The story of #HannaStreetPiano

The story of #HannaStreetPiano

The Piano on the Piazza at the Love Wimbledon Arts Market, Merton Arts Festival 2018

Hanna's piano is being painted and played

Always on trend and keen sponsor of music in the town since 1990, Hanna & Sons Pianos generously donated #HannaStreetPiano to the Merton Arts Festival 2018, giving a free performance opportunity to bring beautiful music to the people of Wimbledon.

And what a talented town Wimbledon is! So many fabulous pianists of all styles came to play bringing good will, good publicity and good times to the assembled crowds! And, as an extra twist, our equally talented partner in this venture artist Sheri Lennon decorated the piano throughout the weekend with the help of some very handy children!

Check out our top ten #HannaStreetPiano performers online, on our YouTube channel and Instagram:



Andrew Garrido




Mr Roberts




Please send your own videos from #HannaStreetPiano to upload





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